by bbandamin | Dec 4, 2017 | Ankle & Foot Physical Therapy, Ankle & Foot Problems, Arthritis, Back Physical Therapy, Dizziness Physical Therapy, Elbow Physical Therapy, Headaches, Hip Physical Therapy, Knee Physical Therapy, Knee Problems, Neck & Back Injuries, Neck Physical Therapy, Sciatica Physical Therapy, Shoulder Physical Therapy, Wrist & Hand Physical Therapy
For sufferers of Rheumatoid Arthritis, also referred to as RA, pain is often a part of daily life. While some people with RA are capable of tolerating moderately intense activity, others find even the light tasks to be a challenge. With the joint pain and...
by bbandamin | Apr 5, 2016 | Ankle & Foot Physical Therapy, Ankle & Foot Problems, Hip Injuries, Hip Physical Therapy, Knee Physical Therapy, Knee Problems, Running Injuries, Working Out
Running is a great sport, hobby, and a cardiovascular workout. It can also be very tasking on your body and joints. Regardless of whether you are a recreational or a competitive runner, muscle imbalances and poor mechanics can lead to numerous overuse injuries. These...