Patient Satisfaction Survey

    In order to provide you with the best physical therapy services possible, we want to know how well we are doing. Please take a few minutes to provide us with valuable feedback by answering a few questions. Thanks!

    General Information

    Ease of Contacting Clinic (phone, email, etc.)
    Convenience of Appointment Times
    Convenience/Condition of Parking
    Length of Wait Time to See Therapist
    Appearance of Office

    Office Personnel

    Courtesy of Office Staff and Enthusiasm to Assist at All Your visists
    Ability to help you with questions regarding your medical insurance
    Ease of making payment / copayment on your account

    Physical Therapy Staff

    Courtesy of your Physical Therapist
    Genuine interest of your Physical Therapist in helping you resolve your complaint
    Explanations of excercises and equipment
    Efficiency of an average treatment session
    Confidence in your Physical Therapist's knowledge-base and skills

    Overall Satisfaction

    How would you rate your overall experience?
    Who was your Physical Therapist?
    What is your name?
    Would you recommend Buffalo Back & Neck Physical Therapy to a friend?

    Any Additional Comments - Please note that these comments may be used as a testimonial on our website.

    Thank you for your time. Please feel to contact us with any problems or questions in the future. We will be happy to assist you.

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