Balance & Vestibular Physical Therapy
Dizziness is a common symptom and can occur for several reasons at all ages.
Balance & Vestibular Physical Therapy
Dizziness is a common symptom and can occur for several reasons at all ages. Some describe their symptoms as being more of a “light headedness” while others simply feel unstable or even experience true room spinning vertigo. If untreated dizziness leads to an increase in the incidence of falls and related injuries. Depending on the reason for your altered equilibrium your symptoms can often be resolved in as little as a single therapy session.
Balance & Vestibular Disorders Overview
- Upper respiratory / sinus infection
- Head trauma
- Spontaneously developing
- Side effect of medication (ototoxic medications / antibiotics)
- Chemical exposure
- Seasonal allergies
- Neoplasm
Conditions Commonly Treated Effectively with Physical Therapy
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) – Displaced crystals within the inner ear
- Peripheral Vestibular Hypofunction
- Labrynthitis
- Vestibular Neuronitis
- Post-Concussion Syndrome
- Cervicogenic Vertigo
- Motion Sensitivity
- Decompensation
- Gaze Instability / Nystagmus
The doctor said that I have crystals in my ears.” Demystifying BPPV
What is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)? Vertigo is the feeling that of room spinning or the world is spinning around you and has many causes. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is a very common cause of vertigo that causes brief vertigo spells...
Should I worry about my dizziness?
Should I worry about my dizziness? Unfortunately dizziness is an all too common symptom that many of us will experience at one point or another in our lives. 40% of those over 65 years of age will experience at least one bout of dizziness at some time in a year. Most...
Common causes of dizziness?
Common causes of dizziness? Many of us will experience bouts of dizziness from time to time. For some this can be a temporary feeling well with others it can be a sign of more significant medical issue requiring attention. There are several reasons that one could...
What are some common symptoms associated with being off balance?
What are some common symptoms associated with being off balance? Suffering from instability or otherwise being “off balance” is an all too often symptom that many people experience. Many will experience a sense of motion or spinning referred to as vertigo. For others...
What are common causes of instability or being “off balance”?
What are common causes of instability or being “off balance”? 40% of those over 65 years of age will experience some form of dizziness at one point or another every year. All many times the reasons are fairly benign and can be a very daunting experience when symptoms...
Vertigo and the Common Causes
If you have ever been sitting on your couch or walking down the streets and suddenly became overwhelmed by a sensational feeling of room spinning often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and loss of balance, then you might have vertigo. Vertigo is a feeling of being off...
“The doctor said that I have crystals in my ears.” Demystifying positional vertigo
Whiplash – Diagnosis and Treatment
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Physical Therapy in Buffalo, New York
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