by bbandamin | Aug 10, 2018 | Ankle & Foot Problems, Back Pain Buffalo, Back Physical Therapy, Dizziness Physical Therapy, Elbow Physical Therapy, Hip Injuries, Hip Physical Therapy, Knee Physical Therapy, Lower Back Pain, Neck & Back Injuries, Neck Physical Therapy, Sciatica Physical Therapy, Shoulder Physical Therapy, Wrist & Hand Physical Therapy
Osteoporosis is a disease where the bones have very little density. It is a condition where either the bone is degenerating too quickly or is the result of not being capable of replenishing itself at an appropriate rate. In some cases both conditions can be present. ...
by bbandamin | Dec 4, 2017 | Ankle & Foot Physical Therapy, Ankle & Foot Problems, Arthritis, Back Physical Therapy, Dizziness Physical Therapy, Elbow Physical Therapy, Headaches, Hip Physical Therapy, Knee Physical Therapy, Knee Problems, Neck & Back Injuries, Neck Physical Therapy, Sciatica Physical Therapy, Shoulder Physical Therapy, Wrist & Hand Physical Therapy
For sufferers of Rheumatoid Arthritis, also referred to as RA, pain is often a part of daily life. While some people with RA are capable of tolerating moderately intense activity, others find even the light tasks to be a challenge. With the joint pain and...